The Difference Between Learning and Acquisition
By miftachudin arjuna - December 11, 2013
Language acquisition is very similar to the process children use in acquiring first and second languages. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language–
natural communication–in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their
utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding. Error
correction and explicit teaching of rules are not relevant to language acquisition
(Brown and Hanlon, 1970; Brown, Cazden, and Bellugi, 1973), but caretakers and
native speakers can modify their utterances addressed to acquirers to help them
understand, and these modifications are thought to help the acquisition process
(Snow and Ferguson, 1977). It has been hypothesized that there is a fairly stable
order of acquisition of structures in language acquisition, that is, one can see clear similarities across acquirers as to which structures tend to be acquired early and
which tend to be acquired late (Brown, 1973; Dulay and Burt, 1975). Acquirers
need not have a conscious awareness of the “rules” they possess, and may self correct only on the basis of a “feel” for grammaticality.
natural communication–in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their
utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding. Error
correction and explicit teaching of rules are not relevant to language acquisition
(Brown and Hanlon, 1970; Brown, Cazden, and Bellugi, 1973), but caretakers and
native speakers can modify their utterances addressed to acquirers to help them
understand, and these modifications are thought to help the acquisition process
(Snow and Ferguson, 1977). It has been hypothesized that there is a fairly stable
order of acquisition of structures in language acquisition, that is, one can see clear similarities across acquirers as to which structures tend to be acquired early and
which tend to be acquired late (Brown, 1973; Dulay and Burt, 1975). Acquirers
need not have a conscious awareness of the “rules” they possess, and may self correct only on the basis of a “feel” for grammaticality.
Conscious language learning, on the other hand, is thought to be helped a great deal
by error correction and the presentation of explicit rules (Krashen and Seliger,
1975). Error correction it is maintained, helps the learner come to the correct mental
representation of the linguistic generalization. Whether such feedback has this effect
to a significant degree remains an open question (Fanselow, 1977; Long, 1977). No
invariant order of learning is claimed, although syllabi implicitly claim that learners
proceed from simple to complex, a sequence that may not be identical to the
acquisition sequence.
Questions and Answers:
- How can we teach students with dyslexia?
We must teach students with dyslexia in different way based on the
types of impairment. In the case of students with physical impairment,
there are no boundaries for them to learn language as normal people. In
the case of students with sight impairment, we still can teach them in
normal ways. As long as their hearing sense works well, they can learn
language easily. On the other hand, we will find difficult circumstance
when we should teach student with hearing impairment. In fact, hearing
sense is the first working sense after a child is born. Such students
normally will learn cue language in which they use gestures as symbols
to convey messages.
- How can we have good pronunciation without study pronunciation?
It possibly happens in language acquisition. In unconscious process,
we imitate and replicate the sound and tone. We never compare the target
language with our first or second language. We can exemplify our
younger brothers or sisters when they start to imitate and replicate
their first language. We never ask them to join vocabulary or grammar
class to produce their first utterance. They just say the words and
sentences. Corrections are irrelevant.
- How can we teach language acquisition to young Indonesian learners?
We can use language acquisition process in teaching in which we
emphasize the meaningful and enjoyable activities. The enjoyable
activities may include games, pictorial task, matching etc. The focus is
using language not using its forms. In Indonesia, we have seen that
English textbooks for young learners are dominated by pictorial literacy
textbook. Teachers teach English assisted by pictures, diagrams or
others related images to describe the contents.
- I am good at writing but I can’t speak fluently with foreigners. Do you have any suggestion to improve my speaking skills?
Reading, writing and speaking are interconnected. We should bear in
our mind that good writers are good readers. We cannot compose writing
without resources from our reading. Similarly, we will be a good speaker
because we have lots of information in our long term memory. The
information in our long term memory should be the residue from our
writing and reading activities.
- Should we learn grammar?
In the process of language learning, we learn English deductively. It
means that we learn grammar and structure at first. Then, we produce
language in the form of spoken and written. On the contrary, we have
inductive process in language acquisition. In this process, we focus on
the use of language. The errors and corrections are not relevant. We
learn grammar based on sense without spending our time to focus on it.
- When should we have language learning or language acquisition for Indonesian students?
Language learning and language acquisition are interchangeable for
Indonesian students. We are in the middle of language learning when we
enter English classes. We intend to learn the rules, characteristics and
attributes of English. However, we will acquire the language from
listening to English during the material presentation.
We also notice that the language acquisition process takes place in
school dormitories such as Gontor. The dormitories applies bilingual
languages in daily basis. Therefore the students are exposed to language
environment naturally. The students only focus on how to convey the
messages in their daily communication. Unconsciously, they learn
language and finally they come up with fluency in both English and
Arabic languages.
- An Indonesian primary student is brought to US. After years, he returns to Indonesia. Does he forget Indonesian language?
I believe that the student will not forget Indonesian language. Based
on my observation, such student is capable to speak Indonesian and
English. The reason is that they formally speak English at school or in
their neighborhood. Informally, they keep exposed in Indonesian language
with his parents and Indonesia community. Thus, he maintains
unconscious process of language acquisition in both environments;
English and Indonesian.
- Does acquisition and behavior differ?
Both terms are significantly interconnected. Language acquisition is
the result of meaningful activities. Such activities must be maintain
continuously. Eventually, the activities become new behaviors.
- Can we use language acquisition for adult?
We can use language acquisition process in teaching adult. The
process must be inductively. It means that the learning focus is on the
meaningful activities and language usage. Let them unconsciously get the
sense of grammar, structure, attributes and characteristic of the
target language. In some point, they will confess that they should use
the language in a better way. This is the point in which the correction
is relevant.
- Can we learn English easier at Campus?
Campus can be a place to learn English easier as long as we set it up
as an English environment. Consciously, we learn English from lectures
in teaching learning process. Unconsciously, we should commit to use
English during teaching learning process, communication with peers,
English discussion etc.
- What is the different between learning and studying?
To Learn -to gain knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being taught, etc
To Study – the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things in the world
From those two definitions, we may conclude that study is the action and learn is the goal. This is the reason why we should maintain enjoyable activities or create preference environments to support our language development. Thus we can get the ultimate result of knowledge.