Approach and Method in Language Teaching for Young Learners

By miftachudin arjuna - December 11, 2013
There are various approach and method in language teaching. However, I just enlist 9 of them in this material. Approach and method is slightly different. By ignoring the different, we commit the use both terms interchangeably.

The following approach and method are familiar for teacher in teaching English for speaker of other language. In this discussion, we may find out which method is appropriate for young learners.
  • Grammar translation approach
The learning emphasis on memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary list. Oral ability is not the priority as the purpose of this method
  • Direct method
The teaching is done entirely in the target language. The use of mother tongue is not allowed during the class activity. The emphasis is on improving pronunciation and the learners may ignore the grammar rules.
  • Audio lingual approach
The learning focus on drilling the practice of dialogues in various situations. Therefore, the learners get use to the target language and acquire new habit.
  • Community language learning
The method emphasis on building strong relationship between the teacher and the students. Therefore, there is no personal blocks between them. The mother tongue is much use during the learning. It is translated into target language and repeated by the students.
  • Suggestopedia
This method is developed based on the assumption that human brain has capability to process a great number of materials. As the requirement, the learning condition must be appropriate, convenient and relax.
  • The natural approach
This method emphasis the process which is similar to learning the first and second language. It urges to develop basic personal communication skills. There is no correction of mistakes. The students are widely exposed to the target language. The language must be comprehensible or made comprehensible to them.
  • Total physical response
  • Communicative language teaching
  • The silent way

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