
Speech on Explaining Hobbies

By miftachudin arjuna - December 11, 2013

http://www.thefemininewoman.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/FotoSketcher-hobbies-for-women.jpgActually, I do not have specifics hobbies, (remove the comma) because I think that all activities is fun. But I have 2 activities that I like; cooking and watching TV.

My first hobby is cooking. I like cooking since I was in junior high school. I like to cooking with my mother. I spend my spare time with to cooking. I like to cooking all kinds of food.But However I like more cooking meancorse main course most. Actually, I like cake or cookies, (remove the comma) but I do not have a complit complete tools for to make cake its. I often read magazines book to search recipes. After I get the recipes, if it is easy I will make it the easy recipes with my mother.

My second hobby is watching TV. I like watching TV but I don’t like all most of the programs in TV. I like comedy, news and any programs that give me information like such as Spot Lite, Warna etc
and cooking competition.

I like comedy because it can makes me laugh, (remove the comma) and my brain can refreshes again my mind. I like program comedy like such as OVJ. Everyday I watch it everyday. I like Andre and Sule, (remove the comma) because they are very funny and their joke are natural and not have natural jokes. Then The next favorite program is news,. (change the comma into full stop) I like it because it can increases my knowledge esspesially especially about my conty country. I like Seputar Indonesia in on RCTI and news from Trans 7 news. I sometimes watch news in on TV One with my father. And of course I never left the cooking competition program because I like cooking. I always watch Master Chef in on RCTI.

I watch TV with my family in the evening after Isya seven. And After leaving from campus, I watch TV for about 15 minutes. And about my hobbies why I choose my first hobby is cooking as my hobbies because I like to eat and as a girl, I must be able to cook. Then my second hobby is watching TV, (remove the comma) because it can refreshes my brain mind.

I think that’s all. Thank you.

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