Speech on Sex Education at School

By miftachudin arjuna - December 10, 2013

The pro opinion:

In this opportunity, I will try to explain about what is my opinion with the  on sex education at school. This topic was making controversy  controversial to many people. Many people try to analyze the fungsion function of that programs, and this is my opinion.

I agree with that programs. I think that sex education at school is indispensable for students. I have two arguments why I agree with it.

First, the sex education at school program having a is targeted for students. That is It gives the students knowledge about sex. Why this program is for students?. This is one of solutions to dicrease decrease the HIV / AIDS virus. We know that free sex is our problem in this country. I think that we need to made make this program for students. It is all because teenagers are still unstable. So needed to students need to know early earlier about sex to decrease the bad effect.

And the last is Second, I believe that to prevent is better that to cure. if we start it the program from early earlier, we can teach the students to defend him self themselves and control their disire for doing that lust.

Oke, that's all about my opinion with about the sex education at school. I hope that we can make a better future. Thanks.

The contra opinion:
Recently reappearing there is a raising question, is important sex education important at school? The main cause is the growing of HIV / AIDS in the world. As we know that HIV / AIDS until this moment there is has no antidote until this moment. Government is calling on all people to prevent the transmission at of the virus such as without doing things avoiding things that can lead to getting have HIV / AIDS. The other program is to increase set up the sex education at school.

I disagree with sex education at school. I think that everyone was has been know familiar about with sex without studying deeper any further. For students, they has have also been studied sex in biological sciences Biology class. If we add give more sex education at school, it will make the students more curious about sex. and Moreover, it makes them want to try do it. Nature Naturally, of young people getting banned, the more determined to do it young people will be more determined if they get more restriction.

It will be different if we provide character education and religious education. In there such education, the students will learning about good and bad something. how to behave in good ways. Simultaneously, they will learn about the severe effects of bad behaviors.

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