The Conduct of Curriculum Based Competence (CBC) for Elementary School
By miftachudin arjuna - April 10, 2015
policy of elementary and advance education program based on Official
Regulation Number 25 year 2000, defining Program Pembangunan Nasional
(Propernas) 2000, 2004 and Official Regulation Number 20 year 2003
defining Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) that is approach “School
based management” and “Community based participation”.
step to improve that policy, most of elementary and advance education
program use a mechanism of “Block Grant and Matching Grant” directly to
every school. The procedure of program implementation is coordinated by
Dinas Pendidikan province with regency or city.
Based Competence (CBC) is one of latest method of teaching learning
process in Indonesia. The intention of CBC is achievement of competence
itself. Therefore the approach, method and teaching strategy belong to
the stakeholder of learning process along with the capacity and
resources they have.
Learning tends to retain competence achievement that showed in students’
skill (Competence standard, Cognitive point of view, Psychomotor,
Affective / attitude) and participation in the learning process.
of all stakeholders is still required to achieve a success of
Curriculum Base Competence (CBC), such as government, officers,
teachers, students and society. There is a tendency that each
stakeholder runs on his own wheel; therefore the urgent thing should be
done immediately is set in the same table and coordination. Previous
description is the result of current meeting “Ikatan Sekolah Dasar Islam
(ISDI)” in Gedung Persaudaraan Haji Solo, Monday (4/10).
were 120 participants followed by elementary and Islamic elementary
teachers around Surakarta, invited 3 speakers as follows:
1. Chief of Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kadisdikpom) Solo Drs. H. Kuswanto MM.
government policy of Disdikpora Solo is affected by the conduct of CBC;
the complexity of education issues, descendent of national final test
grade point, down grade of discipline, dissatisfaction of teachers’
welfare, unaffordable life skill, and etcetera.
had better provide devices, management, and intensive supervision in
order to light up the conduct of CBC. There will be the best out put if
there is the best input.
was a suggestion to Chief of City Government (Pemkot) to set aside a
fund amount to 8 million giving scholarship for teachers, as well as the
previous policy of City Government that has been conducted a few years
2. Kasubdin Kindergarten and Elementary school (Disdikpora)
Drs. Trijono.
said that, the conduct of CBC in Elementary school was still half of
way. In the curriculum, between basis theory and practice were not
synchronize. I.e. how come a student could get 9 in the subject of PPKn
while he eager quarreling.
CBC, there is a hope to improve the basis competence that is
comprehension of students toward definition, implemented into his deed
and attitude. The success of CBC in Elementary school depends on
teachers’ effort to alternate the conventional method of teaching.
3. Lecture of Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP UNS)
Drs. Suharno M.Pd.
effective teaching learning process based on CBC, concerning the
territorial autonomy, the paradigm of curriculum must be changed that is
down grade up to top grade (bottom up theory).
conduct of CBC in Elementary school was still half of way, in the
curriculum; between basis theory and practice were not synchronize.
Commitment of all stakeholders is still required to achieve a success of
Curriculum Base Competence (CBC); therefore the urgent thing should be
done immediately is set in the same table and coordination.
had better provide devices, management, and intensive supervision in
order to light up the conduct of CBC. There will be the best out put if
there is the best input.
Koran Harian Solo Pos. 2004.Pelaksanaan KBK Masih Setengah Hati. Rabu Legi. 6 Oktober 2004. hal 5. Solo : Solo Pos
Purwo Bambang Kaswanti. Pragmatik dan Pengajaran Bahasa Menyibak Kurikulum 1984. Universitas Kaltolik Atmajaya: Kanisius
Jack C. Richards, Theodine S.
Rodgers, 1998, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching ; A
Description and Analysis, USA : Cambridge University Press