As we know that today is technology era. That everything is developed and moved more fast and instant. With the quick development brought the effect of the human life style and also the human think so every people have competition to get the best on their live. We feel that the global market wanted that every people could show his capability, “who fast he get”. So every people be ordered to increase their capability more innovative, aggressive, and more creative to face everything. Surely on this opportunity the writer expressing the problem that related with the human think and what the human doing her for their self caused the development of marketing is too fast so every seller made competition in their advertising, selling, and distribution to get successful on the marketing world. Based that statement to seller tried hard to increase their quality and quantity for their product and capability of human doing on those problem that language communicative is the important faster that can increase the selling on the marketing world. Most of company choose people that have an expert on the diplomat ion because today the successfully of selling are influenced by how the seller could proposed and presentation their product.
Marketing strategy is a stages on the business world based to reach successfully on the selling or in the marketing. In the marketing consist of some method to get successfully. A lux marginal ever expressed many element that most considered, there are:
- Product situation that consist of likes what is the product that have exciting, supporting services or product and any of meeting
- Competitive situation analysis
- Distribution of situation
- Environmental factors
- How to seller could get interested by the customer
- How the seller appeared the believed from the customer or buyer
- How the seller could sell and proposed their product
- Create a strong differential between you and your competitors or your proposed or presentation the think.
- Increase nor only the quantity that the quality of prospective presentation
- Gain market share in your targeted segments in your meeting
- Improve your operation presentation more efficiency
Firstly how the seller could appear the new method or strategy to get interested from the buyer. Secondly how the seller could differentiate the proposed their product and the last how the seller could to sell with their language management.