Teaching Grammar for Young Learners

By miftachudin arjuna - January 09, 2014

There are two ways in teaching grammar; deductive and inductive methods. Deductive methods is a teaching format in which teachers start the learning from the presentation of topic discussion followed by samples and practice. For example, a teacher wants to explain about simple present tense. He or she will start the class by introducing the topic discussion i.e. simple present tense. Having finishes explaining the topic, the teacher gives sample, practice or homework to end the class.

On the other hand, inductive method is in reverse. Teachers commence the class by using samples or questions to brainstorm the class. This technique is beneficial to recall their memories about the related discussion topic. At the end, the teachers and students conclude to language knowledge that they have learned in the class. For example, a teacher start a class with a grammar game. Students participate actively in pronouncing words, responding questions or initiating ideas. The game serve students both as an ice breaker and as practice activity. Finally, the teacher and the students conclude the language learning at the end of their class.

Questions and Answers:
  1. What is the fun method to teach grammar for young learners?
  2. How do students understand the text book grammar and the grammar in the song?
  3. Is it important to teach grammar to young learners?
  4. Can teachers use song to teach grammar?
  5. What are the effective approach and method to teach grammar?
  6. ...

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