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In the previous month, I have proven to my younger sister that I can teach a new vocabulary to her a year old son only in 5 minutes. When I faced her son, I saw a jar of candies. I started to mention these candy to the little boy. He said 'Permen'. I said 'This is candy, candy, candy, candy!'. He insisted to say 'Permeeen!'. I replied 'This is candy, candy, candy'. At last, he said 'candy'. Until now, I always mention Permen as Candy to him. Interestingly, he always say candy instead of permen.
The first important point from the previous illustration is the exposure process and the level of frequency. That exposure process can be practiced to other words and vocabulary. Drill and repetition are important to input new vocabulary into short term memory and store them into long term memory. At last, that boy has a new word; candy.
The next important point is visualisation. That boy remembers better because I teach him with artifact of real candies. Therefore, he can visualize the image of candy in his mind when I mention the word candy to him in another occasion.
Questions and Answers:
Questions and Answers:
- What is the goal of using word card in memorizing vocabulary?
- What should teachers do to interest students learning vocabulary?
- How do children differentiate the homonym such as Ask-Us or Know-No?
- What should students do to enrich their vocabulary?
- How do teachers combine between learning vocabulary and playing?
- How do teachers teach vocabulary?
There are two ways in teaching grammar; deductive and inductive methods. Deductive methods is a teaching format in which teachers start the learning from the presentation of topic discussion followed by samples and practice. For example, a teacher wants to explain about simple present tense. He or she will start the class by introducing the topic discussion i.e. simple present tense. Having finishes explaining the topic, the teacher gives sample, practice or homework to end the class.
On the other hand, inductive method is in reverse. Teachers commence the class by using samples or questions to brainstorm the class. This technique is beneficial to recall their memories about the related discussion topic. At the end, the teachers and students conclude to language knowledge that they have learned in the class. For example, a teacher start a class with a grammar game. Students participate actively in pronouncing words, responding questions or initiating ideas. The game serve students both as an ice breaker and as practice activity. Finally, the teacher and the students conclude the language learning at the end of their class.
Questions and Answers:
Questions and Answers:
- What is the fun method to teach grammar for young learners?
- How do students understand the text book grammar and the grammar in the song?
- Is it important to teach grammar to young learners?
- Can teachers use song to teach grammar?
- What are the effective approach and method to teach grammar?
- ...
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Listening is a complex process in which students interpret sound, words,
grammar and structure, pronunciation, intonation, stressing etc.
Moreover, there is no delay in listening. To cope those issues, students need to have over time and more practice
The above item is a sample video to teach listening skills in TOEFL PBT.
In the video, we find the process how a teacher scaffold the students
through listening steps before they get the real listening test at the
end of the video. The steps include pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening.
Pre-listening is similar to listening for main ideas. In this stage, teachers must activate or provide background information about the listening materials. This stage is also called inferring process in which the students combine the clues in the text and their own knowledge to draw a conclusion.
The inferring process is identically similar to activating background information in reading. Students who has knowledge on the current topics will be much more easier to catch the sound and decode the information into their mind. To illustrate, when we listen to the story of Tangkuban Perahu in English, we can easily catch the story without any difficulties. On the contrary, it will be harder to listen to the story of Martin Lurther King Jr because students may not have any ideas about the listening topic. Thus, teachers need to guide student to have background information about the listening topics.
While-listening is a listening activity in which students practice eliciting messages from the spoken language. The activity can be in the form of taking notes, identifying numbers or letters, true-false multiple choice questions etc.
Post-listening is a comprehension activity. In this stage, students work independently, in pairs or in a group. They can have comprehension check, group discussion, summary writing etc.

Pre-listening is similar to listening for main ideas. In this stage, teachers must activate or provide background information about the listening materials. This stage is also called inferring process in which the students combine the clues in the text and their own knowledge to draw a conclusion.
The inferring process is identically similar to activating background information in reading. Students who has knowledge on the current topics will be much more easier to catch the sound and decode the information into their mind. To illustrate, when we listen to the story of Tangkuban Perahu in English, we can easily catch the story without any difficulties. On the contrary, it will be harder to listen to the story of Martin Lurther King Jr because students may not have any ideas about the listening topic. Thus, teachers need to guide student to have background information about the listening topics.
While-listening is a listening activity in which students practice eliciting messages from the spoken language. The activity can be in the form of taking notes, identifying numbers or letters, true-false multiple choice questions etc.
Post-listening is a comprehension activity. In this stage, students work independently, in pairs or in a group. They can have comprehension check, group discussion, summary writing etc.
Reading is a receptive activity which is different from productive ones such as speaking and writing. In reading, the process of decoding happens in which readers try to find the meaning from the writing. In order to be good readers, we must consider the process in reading as in the following:
Most students can easily answer the questions related to familiar reading texts. They assert that Indonesian folk stories which are translated into English and used in the reading class are much more easier to catch the gist and answer the questions. Even, they do not have to read the whole paragraph 'I can answer the question with my closed eyes'.
How can they easily do the reading? Yup, the answer is that they have the background knowledge previously. On the contrary, how we can activate students' background knowledge on unfamiliar reading materials such as reading on international table manner. Do you have any ideas about 'International Table Manner'?
To resolve this questions, there is methods in reading skills namely SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review) to activate students' background knowledge. In the stages of survey and question, students will read at glance and ask questions to grasp the gist of the reading.
The above explanation is related to the discussion on activating background knowledge. The next discussion is how to master knowledge about language and literacy.
Language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing are interconnected. When students learn reading, they sometimes learn grammar simultaneously. It similarly happens in other language skills. Thus, mastering knowledge about language and literacy is not an instant process. Teachers need to integrate this knowledge to class activities.
In terms of understanding cultural values and belief, teachers require to expose students with variety of reading materials inside and outside of the classes. During the class session, teachers can give additional explanation related the cultural values, belief, custom or culture in the reading materials. Out of the class, teacher can suggest students to have reading for pleasure as homework or pastime activities. Student just need to take their favorite books and read them regularly.
Questions and Answers:
- Activating background knowledge
- Mastering knowledge about language and literacy
- Understanding cultural values and belief
Most students can easily answer the questions related to familiar reading texts. They assert that Indonesian folk stories which are translated into English and used in the reading class are much more easier to catch the gist and answer the questions. Even, they do not have to read the whole paragraph 'I can answer the question with my closed eyes'.
How can they easily do the reading? Yup, the answer is that they have the background knowledge previously. On the contrary, how we can activate students' background knowledge on unfamiliar reading materials such as reading on international table manner. Do you have any ideas about 'International Table Manner'?
To resolve this questions, there is methods in reading skills namely SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review) to activate students' background knowledge. In the stages of survey and question, students will read at glance and ask questions to grasp the gist of the reading.
The above explanation is related to the discussion on activating background knowledge. The next discussion is how to master knowledge about language and literacy.
Language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing are interconnected. When students learn reading, they sometimes learn grammar simultaneously. It similarly happens in other language skills. Thus, mastering knowledge about language and literacy is not an instant process. Teachers need to integrate this knowledge to class activities.
In terms of understanding cultural values and belief, teachers require to expose students with variety of reading materials inside and outside of the classes. During the class session, teachers can give additional explanation related the cultural values, belief, custom or culture in the reading materials. Out of the class, teacher can suggest students to have reading for pleasure as homework or pastime activities. Student just need to take their favorite books and read them regularly.
Questions and Answers:
- What can teacher do to improve student comprehension in reading?
- How do teacher motivate students to read?
- ...
Teaching Speaking for Young Leaners
By miftachudin arjuna - January 05, 2014
Speaking is a productive skill by encoding our thoughts into verbal words. In order to produce fluent verbal words, we require rigorous training regularly. In short, we need to practice in daily basis.
As a teacher, we must devise methods to maintain the students’ practice. It is the case of how to prepare them before they perform inside of the class.
Discussion, role play, simulations etc are the forms of speaking activities. Those forms only describe the next class will look like. In order to prepare them to speak out loud in the class, teachers need to make a certain procedure to scaffold their skills.
Based on several class discussions, some students have gotten speaking 1, 2 and 3. The rest even have gotten speaking 4. They get different nurture and activities in different level of speaking. However, we conclude that students must:
In case, the students have a problem in grammar then they will get some review in the feedback session. In this session, grammar translation method plays its role.
In fact, those three procedures work well for university students. They are in the age of 18-22 years old. How if we use them to teach speaking for younger learners? Should we oblige younger learners to prepare a script or find an article at home? If the answer is no, then what we should do as their teacher.
PPP (present, practice, produce) is a combination method between CLT and grammar translation method. In the presentation session, a teacher can give various activities focusing on grammar, structure or expressions as background information. Then, the students practice in controlled tasks in the class in pairs or in a group. Lastly, they start to produce the language using the given grammar, structure or expressions independently.
This method can be implemented toward younger learners. We present the materials in the class because we assume that they have not had adequate capacity in language knowledge. At the same time, we give students background information to practice. Then teachers enforce them through practice to reform knowledge into skills. Eventually, students are independent to create language orally by using the previous knowledge and skills.
Questions and Answers:
As a teacher, we must devise methods to maintain the students’ practice. It is the case of how to prepare them before they perform inside of the class.
Discussion, role play, simulations etc are the forms of speaking activities. Those forms only describe the next class will look like. In order to prepare them to speak out loud in the class, teachers need to make a certain procedure to scaffold their skills.
Based on several class discussions, some students have gotten speaking 1, 2 and 3. The rest even have gotten speaking 4. They get different nurture and activities in different level of speaking. However, we conclude that students must:
- Prepare the script, transcript or reading article as background information
- Practice by heart, in pairs or in a group to expose their skills
- Perform and share orally in the class
- Get feed backs
In case, the students have a problem in grammar then they will get some review in the feedback session. In this session, grammar translation method plays its role.
In fact, those three procedures work well for university students. They are in the age of 18-22 years old. How if we use them to teach speaking for younger learners? Should we oblige younger learners to prepare a script or find an article at home? If the answer is no, then what we should do as their teacher.
PPP (present, practice, produce) is a combination method between CLT and grammar translation method. In the presentation session, a teacher can give various activities focusing on grammar, structure or expressions as background information. Then, the students practice in controlled tasks in the class in pairs or in a group. Lastly, they start to produce the language using the given grammar, structure or expressions independently.
This method can be implemented toward younger learners. We present the materials in the class because we assume that they have not had adequate capacity in language knowledge. At the same time, we give students background information to practice. Then teachers enforce them through practice to reform knowledge into skills. Eventually, students are independent to create language orally by using the previous knowledge and skills.
Questions and Answers:
- How do teachers activate students to communicate in language class?
- How do teachers improve students confidence to speak up?